git tags

All these years (not very long) I ve been using subversion day in and day out. This time I have to work on a distributed source code management system; yes Im talking about git. The company that I work for has git as the SCM. Git changes everything for the right reasons.

I like git.

While learning and working on git I had to create a tag for the first release of my deployment tool. I looked around to figure out a way to create a tag on my git branch and got this page git-tag. This is not quite helpful. This ref just talks about how to create a git tag locally. But this is not what I want. I want the git tag to be visible in the remote repository as well.

Someone playing with git might say git push would do the trick, really not. Pushing git tag to the remote repo is slightly different from the way its done for pushing your branch.

Here is how:
git tag -a -m "tag for v0.1" 0.1 create a new tag - 0.1
git tag -l list al the tags
git push --tags push the new tag to the remote repo
git tag -d 0.1 remove tag 0.1
git push origin :refs/tags/0.1 remove tag in the remote repo


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